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Below, you will find links to the different resources that will be used for each part of the lesson. Along with the link is a brief description stating why we chose to use it in our lesson.

Lego Bionicle Website and

Lego Friends Website

We chose to use these websites in our engagement because they show clear gender-specific bias. We want students to recognize that the Lego Bionicle website is directed towards males and the Lego Friends website is directed towards females. We thought these would be good websites to use in order to show students how websites can be targeted to specific audiences. 

Disadvantages of Wind Energy

Protestors Speak Out

10 Disadvantages of Wind Energy

Advantages of Wind Energy


These websites were chosen to show students clear negative or positive bias towards the use of wind turbines as a source of energy. The websites were created by people rather than companies who either had their own opinion on the subject or were not supported by further research.  There was no way to prove their information was factual because they did not provide links or references to where they found their research. 

Benefits of Wind Energy


This website was a good choice for showing factual information about the use of wind turbines. Even though are clearly "pro" wind turbines, they back their facts with other sites linked to reliable businesses, companies, research, and other sources.

What's Good and What's Bad About Wind Energy


Students can begin to use this website to find information about the pros and cons of using wind turbines, but they should not use this as their primary source for researching. This is due to the fact that we cannot prove that the author is a reliable source. There are links to additional websites and projects, however none of them connect her to any other reliable information. 

Wind Energy Forum


We decided to use this website in our lesson to show that this site is clearly not credible. Students should recognize that this is solely comments and opinions from random people whom they have no information about. 

Advantages and Challenges of Wind Energy


This website is a product of the U.S. Department of Energy. The information on this site is credible, supported, and linked to additional information and research. This website also provides information on both the pros and cons of using wind turbines as a source of energy without providing bias.

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