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Live Twitter Chat via Storify

Reflection Questions

What were the strengths and weaknesses of your Live Session?

After hosting my first live Twitter chat with my classmate, Gabby Antalffy, I found that there were many strengths and weaknesses of our live session. When we were first assigned this part of the project, I was a bit hesitant thinking about hosting a live chat. I had never participated in one, let alone run one. After hosting the chat, I found that I actually really enjoyed it! Twitter chats are such an easy way to learn new things about any topic you are interested in. I think that one of strengths was that we were able to successfully schedule the tweets and allowed enough time between questions; however, I do think that more time would be needed for a larger group of people participating in the chat. We only had a few people, so our timing seemed to work nicely in our live session so that everyone was able to follow along and read each response. One of our weaknesses was that with the scheduled tweets, the end to our chat was very abrupt. People were still responding and our scheduled tweet cut them off and ended the chat.Next time, I might not schedule an ending tweet and end the chat live after all people have responded.


How many new followers do you estimate you gained as a result of hosting your Twitter chat?

After hosting our live Twitter chat, I gained a few more followers who are also teachers in Baltimore County; however, I ended up getting some good tips on who else to follow. I was able to follow some other well-known educators as well as some other teachers in the county.


How has/will this change impacted/impact your PLN?

Gaining new followers and following new people will broaden my PLN. I will have new ideas showing up on my Twitter feed and hopefully gain some great, new insights about education. I love learning new things from other educators!


What will you change and/or add in future live sessions? Why?

As I stated above, one thing I would change is the ending to our live session. It was very abrupt because we had scheduled the tweet. This caused us to cut off participants who were still answering the question.Next time, I would end the chat live when I notice the conversation coming to an end. I would also start promoting our live session earlier, so that we could have more participants in the chat.


Based on your analysis and feedback from participants, what is your plan for future live sessions? Why?

My plan is to participate in more live sessions! Overall, I really liked this Twitter chat. I would love to participate in a bigger one on other topics regarding education.I was able to find new people to follow and gained some new ideas to look into more in depth. I would definitely be willing to host another live session when I find a topic of interest that I would like to share.

On this GoogleDoc, Twitter Chat Setup Reflection, you can read how we planned for, designed, and hosted our live Twitter session.

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